

The last five nuts.
Waiting silently in their ziploc prison.
Sitting stoicly resigned to their fate.

On the one hand I admire them greatly. Their ability to bide their time, watching as their comrades were indifferently selected for consumption over a period of months. Day after day, a few at a time, until only the last five remained.

But at the same time they had months.

Months of time to plot, scheme, innovate...to lead their companions to freedom.
The plastic walls that held them were formidable but, at the beginning at least, the population of nuts was as well. You would think that after a while they'd realize what was going on, and have some desire to escape their fate.

My friends suggested that perhaps they achieved some kind of zenlike resignation in regards to their eventual consumption. That by ignoring their impulse to save themselves they were able to overcome their fears about their imprisonment and certain demise - and thus to renounce the drive to escape.

But I personally don't think the situation is anywhere near that poetic. I think that the last five nuts may have had balls enough to stick together, but not quite enough to stand up and fight.

Stupid nuts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not just 'Stupid Nuts,' but 'Coward Nuts.' Let's play off their ability to stand up and fight, or their lack of that ability. Being the last five nuts, they could have and SHOULD have made a stand. Your hand is treading on their sacred ground: Ziploc-town. They relegated themselves to the same fate that generation after generation has succumbed to: Your hand, stomach, and eventually, toilet. See, they're not any different that the last five nuts of the previous generation. Like they generation before them, your current nuts were fine with becoming poop. Screw the Zen shit; they were just woosies. Hope that made some kind of sense. Ooooh, a fresh batch of LSD just came in the room. Yes, I will have some; thank you!